søndag 24. januar 2016

Stanley - The Falkland Islands

The windswept harbour !

We left Puerto Williams  the 18th of January  and arrived in the Falklands 3 days later. We had a fast passage through the Maire Strait, with the wind and current from behind Villvind averaged between 9 and 11 knots for 4-5 hours. The passage was a very comfortable one with smooth seas and light winds. The last day in sunshine and flat calm.   The Patagonian mountains, channels and glaciers  was a spectacular sight.

Villvind will, -while on passage to South Georgia deploy 5 bottle-messages in the sea to chart the ocean currents. This is a mission given us by another Terje in Oslo.  One is already  deployed south west of the Falklands.   

In the Falklands we will stay approx a week before leaving for South Georgia.  In Stanley there are hardly any facilities for yachts appart from the small private marina  owned by Carl and his wife.  They  arrived here 36 years ago from Tasmania in their own boat and have since then remained here.  They have “digged a hole”  in the shoreline and   given space for 4 to 5 boats. You can enter on 1 hour, each side of highwater only.  Once inside you are completely sheltered and secured from all winds.

Old Lady Elisabeth is a wellknown landmark in Stanly Harbour and witness of sometimes rough conditions !

Stay tuned !

Svein, Dag and Terje in Villvind.


onsdag 13. januar 2016

Chile - Puerto Williams

Chile – Puerto Williams. 

The  Beagel  Canal forms the border between Argentina and Chile. Two countries that  do not succeed in creating  an especially  good neighborhood.   Formalities and paperwork is unbelievable. 

Villvind has now moved across the Beagel  Canal , 25 nm eastwards to Puerto Williams on the Chilean side of the Canal.  After  visiting - and have filled in documents at the Yacht Club, Capetaneria de Puerto, Imigration, Costums and Agriculture before going  back to the Capetaneria to show them that everything is done and stamps and signatures are  OK ,-  the clearance procedure is completed.   

Our plan now is to return westwards into the clacier area before returning to Puerto Williams and clear out for Cape Town in South Africa  around the 20.January.

We stay now at Micalvi Yacht Club. The marina/ pier is created from  an old armada ship (Micalvi) that is run aground  (on purpose ) and  forms  a very sheltered and good harbour. The club is run by the Armada  and the atmosphere in this cruising hub is very interesting. The first person we met and who  took our lines was Skip Novak in his Pelagic. 
Dag and Svein is now well installed on board and they both are working properly !

Stay uned.

Dag, Svein and Terje in Villvind !